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Lock Box Services

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Lock Box Pick-up & Scanning Services

Move your mailroom off site with Pittsburgh Document Scanning Lock Box Pick-Up & Scanning Services. We’ll receive all your incoming paper mail electronically and scan any type of document you receive, including:

Accounts payable invoices
Bills of Lading
Work Orders
Accounts Receivable Documents

How it works

  1. A Lock Box is set up for your account at a Post Office in Pittsburgh
  2. Your clients are notified to send invoices to the new Lock Box address
  3. We pick up your mail daily and open it as soon as it arrives at our Document Care Center in Pittsburgh
  4. We process the mail according to your specifications (This includes preparing, scanning, QC Processing, and indexing all items)
  5. We upload your digital files to a document management system where your staff can retrieve them

All non-invoice items, such as checks, will be forwarded to you for further action. Documents digitized from paper mail can be combined with those received electronically for a complete incoming mail scanning solution.

Go Paperless with Pittsburgh Document Scanning Lock Box Services.
Request a free consultation today.

Get a Free Quote for Lockbox Scanning Services In Pittsburgh

To learn more about this service and/or any additional services we offer at Pittsburgh Document Scanning, just give us a call at (412) 323-8375 or fill out the form for a free quote today!

Pittsburgh Document Scanning

800 Vinial Street, Suite 303, Pittsburgh, PA 15212